How Acupuncture Work & Save Me!

I have no regrets taking acupuncture as my field of employment. Acupuncture has been my life saver. I have gone through quite a good number of accidents and carrying a lot of heavy stuffs these past few years and over a life time period. Here is my story.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


August 8th 2006

How I started As A Practitioner in Acupuncture?

My journey with Acupuncture started with an interest in Martial Arts namely Karate, Tae Kwan Do and Chi Ke Chuan - for self protection and health. I excelled in Karate by representing in school and state tournaments (Karate) as well as being chosen to represent Malaysia in Wushu in 1979. Due to school examinations that year, the 1979 opportunity had to be postponed. However; in 1982, another chance came and I eventually succeeded as the runner-up in the Championships held in Hong Kong. Subsequently, I became a trainer in martial arts for more than 7 years.

During my intensive mastering in Wushu, I was trained to help my fellow Wushu members who were injured. One of the Chinese Sinsehs suggested I take up acupuncture because of my keen interest in the gift of healing.

I took up acupuncture, acupressure and ear-acupuncture courses in 1986. After 3 years, I was certified as a Clinical Acupuncturist. I had worked as an assistant for Mr Lim Geok Leng, a member of British Acupuncture Society who was trained in Japanese and Taiwanese acupuncture.

I had an accident in 1990 that resulted in a left collar bone fracture in 3 parts. My body felt as if it was 'not my body'. I began to treat myself besides seeking body alignment treatment from my friend Markisa Halim (osteopath) and body treatment from Mr. Lim Geok Leng. Tai Chi, Qi Qong and swimming were also important in regaining my confidence, posture and strength.

Later, I had taken up a diploma course in Homeopathy and putting it into practice with my clients, family, friends and myself.

Through my practice, I had met medical doctors who were also trained as acupuncturists in Sri Lanka who referred me to go for a diploma in acupuncture.

I took a bold step to go to Columbo, Sri Lanka and also had my Degree in Alternative Medicine in 1992. Immediately upon my convocation, Ms Shirley McClaine who was one of the examiners, congratulated me and told me what she had experienced, "Margaret, I learned more from you because you have taught me how to practice wholistically, (instead of just) the nature of the problem."

During my training, I was exposed to human anatomy and physiology in a holistic manner. Our body system operates through vital life forces of energy which are inherent to life's essential activities that affect our mind, body and well-being.

I came to understand the gentleness of Tai Chi and the effectiveness of Qi Qong which both help to immune and strengthen our body; to circulate and to function properly; and finally to help maintain health and to create vibrancy in our daily lives.

No doubt our health is influenced by the flow of life's energy within our body's system and the geographical environment around us, our body needs to be in harmony. When there is a poor flow in our body's system, there will be a stasis in our body which will cause our health to function poorly. Sometimes one can name these as “traffic jams” or 'blockages”. Illnesses and ailments may occur when the duality of yin and yang is not balanced which causes disharmony.

If you have injury, or your basic initial constitution of one or two elements are weak, or if your energy pathways are obstructed, deficient, excessive or imbalanced; then, the Elements of Yin and Yang are said to be thrown out of their natural cycle of balance. These can causes illness. Therefore, acupuncture helps to restore that natural cycle of balance.

Some of my clients have highlighted (to me) that acupuncture has saved them in health costs, stroke preventions and early detection of signs and symptoms of health problems.

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