How Acupuncture Work & Save Me!

I have no regrets taking acupuncture as my field of employment. Acupuncture has been my life saver. I have gone through quite a good number of accidents and carrying a lot of heavy stuffs these past few years and over a life time period. Here is my story.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



1. The ANALGESIC (PAIN RELIEVING EFFECT - like relieving the pain of arthritis, toothache, low backache and other painful disorders. Some specific acupoints are more effective than others.

2. In SEDATION effect as some people fall asleep during treatment, but wake up refreshed. It has been shown that there is a decrease in delta and theta wave activity on the electro-encephalogram during acupuncture treatment; e.g. insomnia, anxiety states, addictions, epilepsies, mental disorders and behavioural problems.

3. The HOMEOSTATIC or REGULATORY effect of acupuncture, means adjustment of the internal environment of the body towards a state of normal balance. Generally, homeostatic is maintained by the balanced activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system and by the endocrine system. There are also numerous homeostatic mechanisms in the body for regulating respiration, heart rate, blood pressure, urinary excretion, metabolic rate, sweating, temperature, ionic balance of the blood and many other vital parameters. These mechanisms are seriously deranged in many diseases, and in such cases, acupuncture has been very helpful in restoring the original state of equilibrium. The same set of points may be used for treating opposite disorders like high and low blood pressure or diarrhoea and constipation.

4. The IMMUNE-ENHANCING action of acupuncture, whereby the body resistance to disease is strengthened. This has been shown to be due to an increase in the white corpuscles (leucocytosis), antibodies, gamma-globulins and other substances, which increase the resistive powers of the body. In many cases, a two to four fold increase in antibody titre has been observed, presumably brought about by activation of the reticulo-endothelial system. Acupuncture is, therefore, very useful in combating infections. Where antibiotics may have to be used, the need for prolonged antibiotic therapy can be considerably reduced by the concurrent use of acupuncture. It is also indicated in case of resistance or hypersensitivity to antibiotics and chronic infections where antibiotics failed or given rise to serious side-effects. In China, it has been shown that acupuncture alone can be effective in infections, like appendicitis and tonsillitis.

(At the Institute of Acupuncture, Kalubowila, Sri Lanka, certain malignant disorders have been treated with acupuncture successfully beside China)

5. The PSYCHOLOGICAL effect, a calming and tranquillizing action. This is believed to be an action on the mid-brain reticular formation and certain other specific areas of the brain. Measurable effects have also reported on the metabolic chemistry of the brain tissue. There is an increase in the dopamine content of the brain after acupuncture; e.g. in certain mental disorders and in parkinsonism, where there is a depletion of the dopamine content of the brain where other neurotransmitters and hormones have demonstrated to increase in brain tissue following acupuncture.

6. The important effect is THE MOTOR RECOVERY in patients who have become paralysed from some cause or another. Even late cases of motor paralysis, respond well to acupuncture, despite previous failure with other forms of therapy.

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